Ÿ Blink Duplication
  • yProduct Namez
  • Blink Duplication
  • yCreatorz
  • Katsuya Masuda
  • yPricez
  • $33.00


A card is selected and signed by a spectator. The selection is replaced in the deck and shuffled.

The magician introduces a blank face card and sticks it halfway into the middle of the deck. With the blank face card

sticking out, he puts the deck face down into its case, whose flap is kept open. The magician shows the face of the

blank card that is protruding from the deck. He now holds the card case keeping its back toward the audience.

The magician pushes the protruding card a little. Then he turns the deck face up. To spectators' surprise, the blank

face card has changed into the chosen card with the spectator's signature on it.

The magician removes the card and hand it to him for thorough examination.


Comes complete with gimmick, Bicycle deck and instruction sheet.