Ÿ Liberty Vanish
  • yProduct Namez
  • Liberty Vanish
  • yCreatorz
  • Katsuya Masuda
  • yPricez
  • $39.95
Statue of Liberty Disappears!?


The famous David Copperfieldfs Vanishing Statue of Liberty, which he performed in the TV show, is now made easy.

Of course, we canft vanish the real Statue of Liberty, but Statue of Liberty in the picture disappears visually and instantly.

No knuckle busting techniques are needed. Itfs very easy. In fact, Mr.Maric threw in this trick to his TV performance in

addition to his new tricks, and that made this trick really popular among magic freaks at that time. This product includes

the figure of Statue of Liberty. There are six models and each one of them has a really unique shape. You never know

which model you get until you open this package. Please give her a great line to make this trick more effective!